Manufacturers of vacuum-deposited thin films for temperature sensitive semiconductor and fiber optic components. This includes wafers, laser bars, semiconductor materials, fiber ends, fiber arrays, polymer optics, ball lenses and more.
ECI deposits dielectric coatings with Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) and Leybold's Advanced Plasma System (APS) processes that produce films with densely packed surface structures,...
ECI offers a complete collection of high performance thin film designs that can be deposited directly onto temperature sensitive fiber optic devices at temperatures below 50 degrees...
Attenuation coatings are designed to reduce or remove excess energy in an optical system by decreasing the transmission levels of the incident light energy. Typical designs absorb...
Anti-reflection coatings reduce first surface reflection losses, improve contrast and boost the transmission through your optical surface. Choose from a typical design below or...
ECI is an industry leader depositing optical coatings to temperature sensitive substrates. ECI offers an extensive range of Anti-Reflection (AR) coatings designed to reduce first...
ECI deposits high performance optical and conductive coatings on Glass Substrates for use over the wavelength range from 240-2600nm. Our production team is experienced with the...
Beamsplitters are designed to separate an incoming or incident light into two components consisting of a reflected and a transmitted beam. ECI offers both Metal and Dielectric...
ECI manufactures all types of high performance optical filters over the range from 240-2600nm. Thin film designs are deposited with Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS), Leybold APS or Ion...
Manufactures mirror coatings for enhanced metal mirrors, broadband dielectric and high performance laser mirrors. ECI's coatings consistently meet or exceed industry standards...
ECI's Long Wave Pass (LWP) and Short Wave Pass (SWP) Optical Filters are comprised of all-dielectric, non-absorbing materials that are deposited with high energy systems that ...
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