Bristol Instruments offers fast wavelength meter for pulsed lasers
Bristol Instruments, Inc. has unveiled the 871 Series Laser Wavelength Meter. The system measures the absolute wavelength of pulsed and CW lasers. Its measurement rate of 1 kHz enables the wavelength characterization of individual laser pulses, and the resulting time resolution of 1 ms provides the most detailed wavelength analysis available of tunable lasers, the company asserts.
The 871 Laser Wavelength Meter uses a Fizeau etalon design to measure laser wavelength to an accuracy of ± 1 ppm (± 300 MHz at 1000 nm). This performance is guaranteed by automatically calibrating with a built-in wavelength standard, Bristol explains. The 871 system is available for operation from 350 to 1700 nm.
Pre-aligned fiber-optic input ensures optimum alignment, the company adds. Automatic pulse detection triggers data collection for asynchronous operation.
The model 871 operates with a PC, running under Windows, via standard USB and Ethernet interface. Measurement data can also be displayed using a web-based application on a tablet or smartphone.
"The new 871 Laser Wavelength Meter, with its 1-kHz measurement rate, will revolutionize many laser spectroscopy applications," said Dr. Brian Samoriski, vice president of sales & marketing at Bristol Instruments. "Our customers will realize greater efficiency and greater detail in their experiments."
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