Avago offers small PM-QPSK coherent receiver

March 4, 2014
Avago Technologies (NASDAQ:AVGO) has introduced the AFCP-ICRX2CC, a polarization-multiplexed quadrature phase-shift keying (PM-QPSK) coherent receiver that it says is one-third the size of earlier generations of the technology.
Avago Technologies (NASDAQ:AVGO) has introduced the AFCP-ICRX2CC, a polarization-multiplexed quadrature phase-shift keying (PM-QPSK) coherent receiver that it says is one-third the size of earlier generations of the technology. The coherent receiver comprises an integrated input monitor photodetector, variable optical attenuator (VOA), polarization splitters for signal and local oscillator, two matched 90-degree optical hybrids, four 25-Gbps balanced detector pairs, and four differential linear transimpendance amplifiers (TIAs) with manual and automatic gain control in a compact surface-mount package. Avago asserts the AFCP-ICRX2CC provides increased dynamic range and improved optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) for both single and multi-channel signals. In applications with multiple coincident signals that feature significantly higher optical input power than single-channel operation, the VOA function provides additional control of the input signal into the TIAs, Avago explains. In conjunction with an external local oscillator, the receiver’s design eliminates the need for external optical filters, which Avago says offers system operators flexibility for future system upgrades while reducing system cost. The receiver conforms to the Optical Internet working Forum (OIF) implementation agreement OIF-DPC-RX-01.2. Additional specifications include:
  • Baud rate up to 32 GBd
  • High input dynamic range: THD < 5% at 3 mApp
  • 10-dB signal attenuation range
  • No active temperature control required
  • Available for C-Band, L-Band, and C+L-Band
  • Operating temperature range of -5 degrees C to +80 degrees C.

"Leveraging Avago's in-house InP and silica-on-silicon technology platforms and highly automated, sub-micron precision assembly platforms, we have delivered the highest level of integration and smallest footprint for our second generation PM-QPSK coherent receiver," said Stefan Rochus, director of optical components product marketing at Avago Technologies. "This demonstrates Avago's continued commitment to advancing our coherent receiver technology to address the 100G metro and emerging 200G/400G long-haul network applications."

"100G coherent technology is absolutely the key building block for transport networks-and not just for 100G deployments today but into the future. A very important part of the value of this one technology is that it spans 100G metro to 400G long-haul, and all those applications demand ever smaller size and greater functionality," said Karen Liu, principal analyst at Ovum. "The entire network infrastructure from metro to core is racing to keep up with traffic growth. Avago's receiver addresses a timely need as 100G metro-optimized and 400G long-haul systems come to market this year."

Avago is sampling the AFCP-ICRX2CC now, with general product availability targeted for July 2014. The company will display the new coherent receiver in Booth 3160 at OFC 2014 in San Francisco next week.

For more information on optical components and suppliers, visit the Lightwave Buyer’s Guide.

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